Anti gravity as a scientific process, two

The best combination of these then may be chosen and applied to a wide variety of practical conditions which will surely arise in everyday aeronautical or astronautical flight.

1) PROXIMITY OF PLATES The first factor regulating the intensity of the Effect is controlled by the closeness at which the condenser's plates can be set. If the charging pressure - or voltage - is high then the plates will have to be farther apart than for lower voltages -using the same dielectric. If it is necessary to charge the condenser quickly a higher voltage is needed than if more time can be taken. Hence, the closer the condenser plates the greated the Effect gained - other circumstances remaining the same.

2) DIELECTRIC CONSTANT The second factor is the ability of the material chosen as a dielectric to store electrical energy. There are many kinds of dielectrics: glass, mica, rubber, paper, bakelite, air, ceramics, and many of the plastics. A dielectric is any material which opposes the flow of an electric current and at the same time is capable of storing the electrical energy as an "elastic stress." The action resembles the squeezing of a soft rubber ball. The muscles in your hand represent the electric voltage. They squeeze the ball's sides together. The sides remain squeezed until your muscles release their pressure, then the sides jump back into their original shape.

A dielectric will absorb an electric charge until its capacity has been reached. Then it will either hold that charge as long as the charging force is present, or it will rupture and the pressure will leak away, or if the accumulated pressure becomes greater than the charging pressure it will discharge itself back into the charging circuit! This last can raise the devil! Some dielectrics are capable of absorbing a great quantity of electrical energy if that energy is applied slowly at moderate pressure, but they break down if called upon to act quickly. Other dielectrics, like lead-free glass, can be charged and discharged thousands of times a second at high pressures. The measure of a dielectric's ability is called the "K" of the material. The higher the K, the greater is the Biefeld-Brown Effect.

3) INTENSITY A third factor in creating intensity of the Effect is the AREA of the dielectric's charging plates. The discs are used edgewise, and the greater their area, the greater the Effect obtained.
4) VOLTAGE A fourth factor has to do with the VOLTAGE, or pressure used to charge the condenser's plates. The higher the voltage, the greater the Effect. Also, the higher the voltage the shorter the time required to charge a given condenser size. But the voltage must not be so high as to puncture the dielectric, the condenser is permanently, or temporarily ruined - depending upon its ability to "heal" itself. Solid dielectrics cannot heal themselves. Fluids heal themselves almost as soon as punctured. (the reason for using OIL filled capacitors...Vangard)
5) MASS (SURFACE AREA) The fifth and last factor is the MASS ofthe dielectric. The greater the mass, the larger the Effect. These points all are important. They make it clear that by a not too complicated electrical arrangement which allows the changing of many positive pole positions at will an astronautical vehicle could be controlled. Since a circle contains the greatest number of square units of surface for a given dimension (a torus has even greater surface area...Vangard), it seems obvious that a shallow, disc-shaped vehicle could use this type of energy field to greatest advantage. It would be charged differently than the models because it could carry its own charging equipment on board.
The input energy of some models tested in California quite some time ago (they do not represent present experimental attainments) was about 50 watts, or the requirements of a small light bulb. The weight of these units was about 1200 grams, or around 42 ounces, or near two and 6/10 pounds. The efficiency of propulsion was 2%. Unless scientific findings are discounted, we must assume the voltage of atmospheric electricity rises as the distance from the earth's surface increases. At low altitudes we sometimes record an increase of 100 volts for EVERY THREE FEET IN ELEVATION. But this increase RISES WITH ALTITUDE.
It is believed that in that ionosphere a potential of 100 volts may occur within only four inches! Even though a discoid-shaped vehicle could be relatively thin, compared to its diameter, still it would be many times four inches thick. Hence, it would be subjected to tremendous differentials of external electric pressure over its extreme dimensions. How will this affect the Biefeld-Brown Effect - or any electrically propelled vehicle? Some say, not at all. Others see it as a sizable barrier! Anti-gravity devices apparently are being experimented with from a number of directions. Once any one of them becomes practical a whole new horizon will unfold before mankind. At the present time (1958) some 19 patent applications, covering the Biefeld-Brown Effect and its various applied forms, are being worked on. A new laboratory is also being built. Will Mr. Brown be the first Earthman to build and fly a FLYING SAUCER?
Vangard notes.. The Law of Equilibrium includes Density. All things Rise or Fall to their own Density. This density can consist of energy in many forms, electric, magnetic, tachyon, etc. Note the remark regarding the higher voltage potentials in the upper atmosphere. Both the Brown disc and the Searle disc rely on very high voltage potentials to provide lift. The question is whether the electricity seeks its own upper atmosphere level or does it cause some kind of stress in some other type of energy to cause repulsion from the Earth surface or ATTRACTION TO A LAYER EQUIVALENT TO ITS OWN.