
The trouble with online Chat, postings, and email is that anything said in them is open to misinterpretation. Emoticons are clusters of punctuation such as : ) and : > that are used to set the tone for the sentence that precedes them. The knack to interpreting them is to tilt your head sideways to the left and look for a facial expression.
~:-( fuming :o) boxer's nose (-: left-handed
:-Z sleeping d:-) wearing a cap (:-}{-:) kissing smilies
:-/ sceptical ?-( sorry, I don't know what went wrong _O-) scubadiver
:.-( weeping :-* sorry, I didn't want to say that :<) moustache
:-II angry :-x kissing @:-) arab
:-@ angry :-3 has eaten a lemon <|-) chinese
:-X mute O:-) halo <:-) stupid question (dunce's hat)
:-() talking =:-) shocked -:-) punk
:-I indifferent/sad :-O surprised/shocked .-) one-eyed
:-< sad }-) evil (:-) bald
:.-) laughing tears :-( sad, angry :-Q smoking
:-))) laughing or double chin :-P tongue X-) unconscious
;-) wink :-} wry smile #-) dead
:-> sarcastic :-D laughing %-) stared too long at monitor
:-) smile ;-)=) grin :*) drunk (red nose)

Internet related acronyms

2U2 to you, too GTG got to go
AAMOF as a matter of fact HAND have a nice day
AFAIK as far as I know (AFAIC As far as I'm concerned) HHOK ha ha only kidding
AFK away from keyboard HTH hope this helps
ASAP as soon as possible IAC in any case
BBL be back later IAE in any event
BITMT but in the meantime IC I see
BOT back on topic IDGI I don't get it
BRB be right back IMO in my opinion
BTW by the way IOW in other words
C4N ciao for now IRL in real life
CFD call for discussion ISP Internet service provider
CFV call for vote IYKWIM if you know what I mean
CU see you JIC just in case
CUL(8R) see you later J/K just kidding
CWOT complete waste of time KISS keep it simple stupid
CYA see ya LOL laughing out loud
DAMIFINO damn if I know NC no comment
DIY do it yourself NRN no reply necessary
EOD end of discussion ONNA oh no, not again!
EOT end of transmission OTOH on the other hand
F2F face to face/flesh to flesh RO(T)FL rolling on the floor laughing
FAI frequently argued issue SHTSI somebody had to say it
FAQ frequently asked questions SO significant other (e.g.husband, wife,)
FBOW for better or worse TAFN that's all for now
FOAF friend of a friend THX thanks
FOCL falling off chair laughing TIA thanks in advance
FWIW for what it's worth TOS terms of service
FYA for your amusement TPTB the powers that be
FYI for your information TSWC tell someone who cares
GAL get a life TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge
GBTW get back to work TTFN ta-ta for now
GFC going for coffee WRT with regard to
GFETE grinning from ear to ear WTG way to go
GMTA great minds think alike YGIAGAM your guess is as good as mine
GRMBL grumble WYSIWYG what you see is what you get